Met another doctor today, Dr. Duniho. We were really, really impressed with his bedside manner and his personality overall. I think I would be in very good hands if he happened to be on call on delivery day. I have been blessed with wonderful doctors....I believe God led me to them, just as He led me to the pediatrician we decided upon. Asking God to lead in all of these decisions is the best thing we could do for our baby.
I was nervous about this appointment for some reason; I have not been nervous about any previous ones at all. I finally realized it was the evil one coming in to tempt me to get discouraged and afraid as I near the end of my pregnancy. Ken prayed for me, and I prayed that God would help me to rest my concerns in Him....and there was no reason to worry after all. Everything was perfect. I only gained 1 pound this month, but he said that was okay. I measure right where I should for my 33rd week. My blood pressure is still so low it's practically non-existent, and we even found out that the baby has finally turned head-down. Now, whether or not he'll remain that way is yet to be seen....but at least he is no longer breech. I have been feeling strong jabs in my right rib cage, and I figured those were his little feet. My intuitions that he had turned were correct. I guess Moms do know their own children!
Ken asked Dr. Duniho his opinion as to how big he thinks this baby will be by delivery. He said, judging from my frame, he would "like to see him 6-1/2 to 7-1/2 pounds." That sounds good to me. Less chance of a c-section with a baby that size...unless, of course, making sure he is that size means induction. We plan to pray that everything will go smoothly, starting now..... I want to pray for all of the things every mother-to-be wants....a healthy baby, timely labor, no induction, no c-section, and an epidural that works as it should. :0)
I got a call that the crib was shipped from Connecticut on Tuesday, so it should arrive here any day. Ken is excited about finally putting it together. It will be nice to go ahead and have it sheeted and ready. I plan to work on cleaning out the baby's closet tomorrow so shelves and rods can be installed. I also have to do one last sanding of the bookcase shelves, then I can start filling them. Mom and I went to Walhalla and Pendleton this week, and I found an old metal globe to add to the nostalgic decor.
My sweet sister-in-law, Kelly, is working hard on preparing my last baby shower, my New Spring shower, which will be on the 22nd of this month. I am tickled that so many people are reaching out to help us and make sure this baby is so well-prepared for.
My sister gave us good news recently; they are expecting their second. Mom and Dad are receiving three grandkids in 3 years! Reason to celebrate and thank God for His blessings, for sure! It will be cool to say that Emily and I were pregnant at the same time, at least for a couple of months.
Only 7 weeks left (more or less) until we can hold this little guy in our arms!!
:0) meg
I was nervous about this appointment for some reason; I have not been nervous about any previous ones at all. I finally realized it was the evil one coming in to tempt me to get discouraged and afraid as I near the end of my pregnancy. Ken prayed for me, and I prayed that God would help me to rest my concerns in Him....and there was no reason to worry after all. Everything was perfect. I only gained 1 pound this month, but he said that was okay. I measure right where I should for my 33rd week. My blood pressure is still so low it's practically non-existent, and we even found out that the baby has finally turned head-down. Now, whether or not he'll remain that way is yet to be seen....but at least he is no longer breech. I have been feeling strong jabs in my right rib cage, and I figured those were his little feet. My intuitions that he had turned were correct. I guess Moms do know their own children!
Ken asked Dr. Duniho his opinion as to how big he thinks this baby will be by delivery. He said, judging from my frame, he would "like to see him 6-1/2 to 7-1/2 pounds." That sounds good to me. Less chance of a c-section with a baby that size...unless, of course, making sure he is that size means induction. We plan to pray that everything will go smoothly, starting now..... I want to pray for all of the things every mother-to-be wants....a healthy baby, timely labor, no induction, no c-section, and an epidural that works as it should. :0)
I got a call that the crib was shipped from Connecticut on Tuesday, so it should arrive here any day. Ken is excited about finally putting it together. It will be nice to go ahead and have it sheeted and ready. I plan to work on cleaning out the baby's closet tomorrow so shelves and rods can be installed. I also have to do one last sanding of the bookcase shelves, then I can start filling them. Mom and I went to Walhalla and Pendleton this week, and I found an old metal globe to add to the nostalgic decor.
My sweet sister-in-law, Kelly, is working hard on preparing my last baby shower, my New Spring shower, which will be on the 22nd of this month. I am tickled that so many people are reaching out to help us and make sure this baby is so well-prepared for.
My sister gave us good news recently; they are expecting their second. Mom and Dad are receiving three grandkids in 3 years! Reason to celebrate and thank God for His blessings, for sure! It will be cool to say that Emily and I were pregnant at the same time, at least for a couple of months.
Only 7 weeks left (more or less) until we can hold this little guy in our arms!!
:0) meg