Checkup today....not much progress to tell of, though! :0( The baby is at -2 station, which means he hasn't dropped into the pelvis yet. I am now 60% effaced (or so), but still not dilated at all. The achiness and pains I've been feeling (and extreme lethargy) is normal, Dr. Duniho said, for this late in a pregnancy. Plus, he said there's an illness going around right now that is just causing general aches and pains with no specific symptoms....just a general "don't feel good" kind of thing.

But on the bright side, the baby's heartbeat is strong, his movements are strong, and my measurements are still on target. There are still so many things to be thankful for!

Weight gain to date is 26 lbs.....which I think it a tremendous amount, simply because I've never weighed this much in my whole life. But really, people keep telling me that's really, really good, and it's still under the prescribed weight gain I was given at the beginning (30-35 lbs.).

Hoping today to work on painting the letters that spell his name....we plan to hang them over his crib once he's born. There's not too much else that needs to be done! Just a long wait, probably the hardest part of all. Reminds me of the 2-week-wait at the beginning back in January, but much more intense. :0)

Meg :0)


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