Well, early morning happenings sent me to the doctor's office a day early for an unexpected checkup. I woke up at 2 am and was convinced I was seeing the beginning of my water breaking. I was up till 5, reading, researching, being frantic! I finally settled back down and slept till 7. Ken convinced me to go ahead and call the doctor, and by 8:30, we were on our way to be checked. (By this point, by the way, I was telling Ken, "But I think I'm okay! I think I'm just overreacting." Ken had to prod and push me to go by the end of it all.)

I saw Dr. Nordeen today; he was the only one there at that time. The verdict? Well, as you can tell by the fact that I"m posting a blog right now, it was a false alarm. Without going into too much medical detail, what I thought was my water breaking is just the routine happenings of late pregnancy....who would've thought that my body would STILL be going through such definite changes at this point. The pains I've been feeling, though, he believes are indeed pre-labor pains. This is a good thing....helps to move the baby further downward.

He took me into another room and checked the amniotic fluid levels via ultrasound, just to be extra cautious. We didn't think we'd get to see another ultrasound of our boy! His little fingers were evident, and his strong heartbeat....but not much else. He is indeed folded up in there now like a little clam. Poor little thing. The ultrasound did confirm without a doubt, though, that he is head down! The fluid levels are supposed to meausre 18-24 cm, and mine were 20 cm....right on target. Another relief.

Since I am Group B Strep positive, he informed us that he recommends those patients like me to be induced when they reach 2-3 cm dilation. The antiobitic drip they administer in the hospital takes about 6 hours to go to work, and thus is it safer to make sure I'm there in plenty of time to get those in me....therefore, be induced. He said it's our decision. What a tough one! We have a lot of thinking and praying to do. I feel as if being induced is "playing God," for some reason, and I'll never get to know what our baby's REAL birthday would have been. But these are just petty reasons....to have him born healthy is the main thing, and that may be what we have to focus on. I plan to discuss this idea with Dr. Herring when I see her next Thursday morning.

All in all, leaving the place today, I felt a little silly. He and the nurses all assured me that I did the right thing by coming on in....there was no real way to tell whether this was real or not. But I'm sure all moms are right there with me in that it makes you feel silly and sheepish to be sent home. I made up my mind not to get too nervous or even get my hopes up, so I'm not as disappointed as I would've been otherwise....just embarrassed. Oh, well, at least I'll have at least one false alarm story to tell. :0)

Meg :0)


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