Well, this baby is definitely on his merry way! I have been going through so many changes since last time I posted a blog.....I mean, wow. We're on the fast track now. I have been having more pain since this weekend....more bathroom trips (a LOT more), and a lot of pain and heaviness/pressure in my upper thighs and hips. I only hope this means he'll be here that much sooner....I don't know. I am scrambling around thumbing through my books, emailing friends, and researching on the web to uncover more clues as to whether I'm feeling the beginnings of the real thing or not.

This makes me excited, but kind of freaks me out a little bit because I haven't finished a few little last-minute things yet. Ken and I plan to switch vehicles tonight (we're both reluctant to give up our cars!), putting the carseat in and the little baby-view mirror. I have to finish the "call list," the phone chain we're planning so everyone will be notified once I'm admitted. And I have to finish reading Baby Wise!! Time sort of slipped up on me....

We can't wait to see our son. Ken is getting more excited and enamoured day by day by this whole birth thing. We are both looking so forward to the week we will all 3 have together to bond and get to know each other as a family. Precious moments, cherished times. It won't be much longer.

:0) Meg


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