Gardner is now cooing, smiling, and kicking during his "playtimes!" It is so amazing to watch him grow so quickly. It's amazing, really. I held baby Jaden Moorhead last night, the 3rd child of some friends, and he felt incredibly light in my arms....7 lbs. 15 oz! It was then that I truly realized how children can grow up without you noticing, since it's so gradual. Gardner felt heavy compared to him!

Gardner has fussy afternoons, but only mildly. He is still far less of a crier than some babies I've been near. He was in his swing yesterday and just would not be consoled. I knelt down beside the swing and grabbed his little hand, then I began to sing. I sang every song that popped into my head...."He's Got the Whole World," "This Little Light of Mine," "Aluette," and even "Amazing Grace." Within two measures of the first song, his little face smoothed out and his eyes gazed into mine. He let out a sigh and watched intently as I let the notes flow into the room. His eyes got heavier and heavier, and within 5 more mintues, he was sleeping peacefully. I gently pried my finger loose from his tiny fist and stood up, watching him as he swung back and forth, sound asleep.

What joy and pride filled me....the sound of his mother singing to him was all that would do. Guess I do have the magic touch. :0) What a wonderful feeling and awesome privilege.

Thank You, God, for our Gardner.

:0) Meg


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