Almost 7 weeks old, and Gardner is growing so quickly. Yesterday he enjoyed his first "family gathering" at my grandparent's house. Grandpa turned 86 years old, and like every year, we were all there to celebrate with him, including his 2 new great-grandchildren! Gardner was passed from lap to lap, but seemed to enjoy every minute of it. I had dressed him in a cute J. Crew-looking sweater and cordoroy set....adorable. He's so stylish already.

Because of antibiotics I've been taking, Gardner has developed thrush, a common yeast infection in the mouth. It was diagnosed over the phone last week after I described his symptoms to a nurse at his pediatrician's office. I am now giving him swabs of medicine with a q-tip 4 times a day....the medicine smells fruity, and he loves it! He smacks his tiny lips and smiles! I am glad that he is on the mend now, so that this won't interfere with my plans to keep nursing.

I hear him crying now in the next room....time for lunch!

:0) Meg


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