Update on Gardner's "big boy bed" dramas....

He's doing great! No, really! Yes, naptimes have proved to be more of a challenge, to say the least, but after about 5-6 times going in there, blank-faced, firmly but gently putting him back in bed and reminding him it is naptime, he finally zonks out. Nevermind that it's usually 1:00 by the time he's in there, 3:00 before he's asleep, and 5:00 before he wakes up. I have a whole new kind of freedom in my day. Problem is, though I enjoy it, I miss the little guy. I actually stand outside of his room, ear to door, to wait for those first few sounds of his stirring!

Nighttimes are great, too. In bed by 8, up by 9. Today it was 9:40 before he awoke.

Again....what did we do to deserve this kid???

I hope this serves as inspiration for his little sister when she reaches this point....as well as every parent who aspires to make this transition in the near future. Again, proof that prayer works.


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