Well, I am finding conflicting data. One calculator says I am 6 weeks 2 days today, another says I'm exactly 6 weeks. It all depends on how far along I actually am, which will determine where in Sept. my due date actually is. I am going to guess, because of the data I've been working up, that it's between Sept. 24th and 28th. We'll see.

I am getting really anxious about my first OB appointment. I have heard stories about how much blood they take! 3-4 vials is common. I am known to pass out cold after only 1 or 2 vials. I am really going to rely on Ken to take my mind off of what's going on, and to keep his cool, too, so he'll be able to be MY strength! :-) Maybe they'll let me lie down like my general dr. does. They know I'm a "difficult case" there already.

I had a 2nd bout of semi-morning sickness today. Like yesterday, I felt stable until I ate breakfast. My stomach was growling, so I figured it wanted food! But 30 minutes later, I was sipping ginger ale and feeling as if I were deep sea fishing. Thank goodness it passed in about 45 minutes. I just had to calm myself down and stop rushing so much. I've found that stress makes it ten times worse.

Well, that's all for now. Going to do some research so I know what questions I want to ask my OB next Monday morning. I have lots of them; I know I'll need to whittle them down to just 4-5. I do remember that she has other patients!



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