Ken was able to feel the baby move with his hand on my belly! We'd tried it before with no luck (I think the kicks were too weak), but this time we sat absolutely still. I had just had a milkshake (sugar does it again!) and the baby was very active. The first time it moved, Ken jumped back. I don't think he was expecting to feel it so clearly! This was last Wednesday night....ever since then, he has been asking me over and over when the baby is moving so he can feel it again. I am so glad he was able to experience it in his own way! I still wish he knew what it felt like for it to be happening INSIDE, but that's the gift that God gave us women alone. I hope to never complain about the agony of giving birth.....there are plenty of other wonderful, amazing things we can experience, such as kicks and punches of our tiny little ones! :0)

We will soon find out whether Olive is a girl or a boy, and we are so ready! I am itching to know what to shop for and to start setting up the nursery! I just a few short weeks, we can start calling the baby by its name (in private, of course, since we are keeping the name a surprise for everyone)....or at least "him" or "her" when we're with other people!! :-) I know that will make it so much more meaningful and real.



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