Four more days....barely a breath left! I cannot believe this may be the final week that is it just the two of us in this family. I have been having excruciating back pain this weekend, mainly yesterday and today. I have no idea what it might be. It could be anything from the simple weight of the baby pulling me forward and straining my back.... Or it could be him pressing on a nerve.... Or it could be (as my ever-referenced books say) true pre-labor backaches, which are often constant instead of coming in waves like contractions do. I don't know, all I do know is that it HURTS. I am safely able to use a heating pad for 15 minutes per hour, so I have tried that to relieve it some.
I don't want this to become a complaint log, but it is hard to think about anything else when you're in pain but the sleep you're losing, the appetite that's fading, and the unachievable desire just to find a comfortable way to sit or lay down!! I am so ready to get this show on the road! As nervous and uncertain as I am about the whole event, I have never wanted it to happen so badly.
Soon, baby, soon, I'll be able to hold you....
:0) Meg
I don't want this to become a complaint log, but it is hard to think about anything else when you're in pain but the sleep you're losing, the appetite that's fading, and the unachievable desire just to find a comfortable way to sit or lay down!! I am so ready to get this show on the road! As nervous and uncertain as I am about the whole event, I have never wanted it to happen so badly.
Soon, baby, soon, I'll be able to hold you....
:0) Meg