Gardner crawls!!

This weekend, Gardner took the next step and actually crawled for the first time. Technically, we count this as the first time in that he put more than one knee forward (instead of the one knee, then flop forward, technique he'd been trying). Ken was the lucky one who was able to see it happen....he was in the Pleasant Grove Baptist Church nursery with him when he saw Gardner crawl excitedly towards a toy he spotted. :) I was so excited that Ken was able to experience one of Gardner's "firsts" himself alone....I have been the one, for the most part, to see all of his other first moments, and I know it made Ken feel a little bit left out. Ken was beaming when he told me. He was just as excited about seeing our son take his first crawl as he would be if he had just witnessed his son being inaugurated as President.

Now....where did I store those baby gates!!??


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