Gardner's 9-month checkup was this morning. I can't believe it is time for that already. This was a "no shots" visit, so it was much, much easier both on baby AND mom. :)

General information gathered, for those of you who love numbers like we do:
Height - 28.5 inches (50th percentile)
Weight - 17 lbs. 8 oz. (10th percentile)
Head circumference - 18 inches

His ear infection is totally gone, and the sniffles he has right now is nothing more than either a slight cold or seasonal allergies (takes after his mom).

We discussed many questions today that I brought in....his schedule (perfect), his succeptability to bee sting allergies (slight), his refusal to take a sippy cup at times, and last of all, the time to wean. I am coming to grips with the fact that it will be okay if I decide to knock out all but two nursing sessions a day now that he's 9 months, supplementing the rest with formula (or pumped milk). What a sad day this is, but also how liberated I feel, as well. Those of you who nursed your infants know what a battle this can be inside.

So, all in all, we were applauded for being such health-conscious parents. Our baby is talking early and crawling right on time. He is a lover of vegetables and fruits, and sleeps 12 hours each night. Man, oh, man, God has indeed blessed us with a wonderful son. We are so incredibly thankful, and we realize each day how fortunate we are to have had such good health and easy upbringing thus far. We don't take it for granted.

Way to go, buddy!!! We love you.


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