Gardner learned how to do several things yesterday!

I spent almost the entire day just one-on-one with him, reading, playing, singing, dancing with the little fellow. He can now make his little dump truck drive around while saying, "Vrrroom!" He also learned how to say "three" with me when I counted, "One, two, three!" I always count when I snap his PJs, etc., and yesterday, he ended my counting with a "ppphhweee!"

I sat down with him to watch his Baby Einstein DVD in the late afternoon. I usually take advantage of that time to get some household duties done, but I decided to sit beside him and enjoy the show along with him this time around. At one point, a giraffe puppet walks up to a saxaphone and takes in a big breath. Garner reared back, turned his head as far as it would go, and held his ears. I laughed out loud....he knew he was about to blow that saxaphone, and the squeaky sounds which came out Gardner obviously did not care for!

As you can see from the previous photo, he has also developed this thing we now call his "picture face." Every time you get a camera near him, he squints like that in anticipation of the flash. Cute! But how on earth will I get his one-year pictures made??


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