He's everywhere!

He's walking 80% of the time now, except when he wants to get somewhere really fast OR if he's exceptionally tired. Ken and I have been helping him walk when we're out in public...and we have finally started being able to do the thing we've always dreamed of doing when we became parents....the thing where you each hold a hand, count to three, and lift him up in the air! He laughs and laughs. Funny thing is, I can still remember my mom and dad doing that to me like it was yesterday.

We were watching Baby Einstein's Baby Noah today and Ken pointed to the screen so Gardner could see the caribou. "See, Gardner, caribou!" Gardner looked up and said, "Caa-boo." I thought Ken would fall out of the chair. :)

We bought him a booster seat so that he can eat at the "grown up table" with us. He thinks he's something special sitting up there.


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