
Showing posts from December, 2005
By the way.... In case you haven't noticed, Gardner's "baby blog" is now under a new domain name (gardnerwilson). A new blog is up and running, the blog of Gardner's future brother or sister. A link will be available soon from the top of the page, but for now, just go to: BabyWilson02
Gardner's first haircut! Dec. 28, 2005 at Lollipops. Take a good look, cause these locks are not going to stick around much longer! He sat so still! There go those adorable little side curls. This is the hard part....the bangs. He didn't like this. Finishing up. Now he looks less like a little baby and more like a little man!
Dear Mama, Daddy, Santa, and all of my family and friends: Thank you, Mama and Daddy, for the warm and snuggly pajamas. And thank you for the books; you know best how much I love to read. Thank you, Santa Claus, for the drum and musical instruments. Oh, boy. I can make a lot of racket with these things. Mama and Daddy are so glad I can make such loud music. I love it. Thank you, too, for the stocking full of toothpaste, toothbrush, soap, band-aids, and Teddy Grahams. Thank you for my coloring book. Now I have to get better at holding onto crayons. Thank you for the Blue talking dog. She is a little loud, but I know I'll get used to having her around to play with. Thank you, Mimi and Grandad, for the Magna Doodle Color. I love it! I love to write on things, and Mama said this is a safe way for me to do this without her having to sit by me the whole time. Thank you for the book, too. I love know that! I know that all of the books I receive are what's helping me lear...
Ice Storm 2005 - Gardner finally zonks out after riding around to look at it all for an hour. Gardner at the live nativity, Dec. 22nd....just look at those sheep, buddy! Yes, that's a live mule. And yes, that's Gardner RIDING it. Has SOMEBODY been eating sugar cookies with red icing??
A little bit of a scare.... We had a slight scare this morning, but all is fine now. Gardner woke up coughing pretty violently. He had a cold three weeks ago, and the cough has lingered till now. Dr. Hobbs saw him last week and said he was still in the time zone of a normal cough. A week later, though, and I'm getting concerned. This morning he coughed and coughed. When I went in to get him out of bed, I noticed his top lip was tinged blue. I freaked. I knew getting into his pediatrician today would be next to impossible. That, plus, there is so much junk going around right now that I didn't want to expose him to ten other things by taking him in there today. So, we called our family practitioner, who also happens to be a good friend and fellow church member. We went right in. Gardner's lips pinked right up immediately. He attributed it to the coughing spell itself, perhaps paired with the fact that his room might have been too cold for him (it's on the corner...
Makes my heart melt.... Every time we tell Gardner, "I love you," he blows a kiss back. I don't know when exactly he learned this correlation, but I'm sure glad he did. My heart swells ten times its size when I see my little son send a teeny-tiny kiss in my direction.
Holy molar!! Gardner's first molar sliced through his little gums today....his upper left, to be precise. Way to go, champ! Only minimal discomfort seemed to be had by this little sport. In no time, as I've said before, G, you'll be chewing on a sirloin along with Daddy and I.
Gardner is quarantined.... Or is it us? I don't know which.... The point is that we shipped Gardner off to Grandmama and Granddaddy's this weekend because Ken and I were sick. Boy, was that hard. Let me just say, though, that the little guy is a trooper. He wore a look of confusion as we pulled him out of his crib, PJs still on, and handed him over to his Grandmama. Yet when we called to check in, he was his little spry self, getting into stuff (but still being obedient) and acting as if he had not one care in the world. Gardner never fails to impress me. He rolls with the punches, he really does. His little independent spirit is unfledging. He will be home in T-minus 45 minutes, and I will be waiting at the door, arms wide open.
Image case you haven't checked my "Muses" blog today, I want to share some news with you.... ...or rather, Gardner wants to share some news with you. That's right. He's going to be the big brother soon. We are giddy!
Gardner eating Oreos. Oh, my. I think we'll wait a while until we introduce "dunking" into the process. (Thank You, God, for a baby who likes chocolate as much as I do!!)
Another cold has him down..... Just when he got over his cough from his last cold, Gardner caught another one. All day Friday, he was irritable and just slightly fussy. Then, he woke up yesterday with a stuffy nose and tired-looking eyes. Another cold. Today, he awoke with a croupy-sounding cough and a weakened appetite. My poor little boy! I guess that "10 colds a year" that I read about in my childhood medical book really does hold true....even though I try to keep him well as best I know how. All I can do his mom is to try to make him as comfortable as him special treats and extra cuddle time. I hate it when he feels badly. In other news, he has learned to say "please" ("Pease") and can imitate the sounds that a boat makes (eeeee-oooohhhh). He continues to amaze us with his language acquisition skills. He can also go down the little step into our study on his feet, not having to crawl down. He's got good balance like his...
A scene from our living room last night.... Daddy and Gardner in a full-blown wrestling match.... Yet G still has time to stop and give Mommy a kiss. :)