
So, I peeked into Gardner's mouth again yesterday, only to see his first cuspids erupting. Ouch. If I'm not mistaken, these are pointy, sharp teeth. All I know is that they appear painful. Right now, the only one I can physically see is on his bottom left. The handy chart I found shows that he's right on target age-wise for getting these teeth. Amazing. Bring on the Orajel....again.

Not much else has changed this week. The nap strike wasn't a strike, I guess....he's sleeping soundly right now, right as scheduled. I guess it was just a freak incident. (Whew!)

His new favorite thing to do is color with crayons. He isn't allowed to have the entire box of Crayola 100th Anniversary 100 Crayons, so I just pick out three or four and let him go to town. It doesn't matter if it's a blank page, a greeting card I need him to "sign," a printed coloring page from Family Fun, or just a spare page out of the TV Guide...he loves to scribble. He points to every color and says, "blue." We've got one color down. Now to help him learn new color names, and then to differentiate.


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