Gardner had an episode of inconsolable crying this weekend. After checking every possible area for a "boo-boo," and making sure he wasn't pulling at his ears, I happened to look down into his mouth as he wailed. On his lower left jaw, there was a molar peeking its sharp head through, and his gums were actually bleeding.


No wonder he was crying so vehemently. I would be, too!

I immediately rushed to the aid of Tylenol and Orajel. In less than a half hour, he was chipper and gleeful again, and I was thanking God for such a speedy diagnosis.

I am so glad we don't remember everything about childhood. I can't imagine remembering the pain of teething!

His incisors will be through soon enough, and I've heard those are even more challenging. We'll see.

In other news, Gardner is setting out to send his first ever valentines. I am not teaching him how to flirt, but instead, how to take the initiative and correspond with pen and ink, keeping that ancient art alive. :) We're having so much fun with this holiday. :)


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