Gardner's still hanging on to this lingering cold. Mine's about gone, but alas, Ken has succombed to its grips as well. Gardner's sounds like it wants to settle into his chest, but then again, I always think that, and it always clears right up in a day or two. I am giving him his Dimetapp faithfully so that his little nose will drain and his ears won't become infected.

When he's not feeling well, the whole house is affected. He wants more cuddle time, which I just adore. Yet he's also more liable to become irate at little things, and that can be trying sometimes. Yet I realize full well that I am the same exact way when I'm ill, making sharp comments and being all-around grumpy. Not that I'm proud of that. I guess it's just a disposition. None of us handle feeling bad very well; we're all big babies!! :)

We're currently trying to decide what Valentine's Day crafts to undertake. He's getting to the "I love to color" age. Crayons make him giddy, just the sight of them. I have numerous website tabs pulled up with creative ideas; it's just a matter of going through them and finding one that's just right for his age.


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