So, Gardner slept in this morning. Not just a little bit, but almost 2 hours! He usually starts stirring at 7:15am (when the sun rises and the birds chirp), but today, by 8:45am, I was worried and started peeking in on him. His chest rose and fell, and he was truly sleeping like a baby. He did, and all the way until 9:00.

Late breakfast, late lunch, late nap start time. Right now, he's currently still trying to settle down in his room. I've already been in there three times, beckoned by frustrated cries, opening the door to the usual scene: His blankets, pillow, and TadBit thrown to the ground in rebellion from sleep. This time, I entered with ammunition, a simple cup of water. He grabbed it and put it into his mouth, grasping it like it was treasure. Water has become sort of a pacifier to him at times. A few minutes of quiet resumed, but now he's whimpering again. Hmmmhhhmph.

I know what Babywise says, but I just can't bring myself to wake a sleeping baby (unless, of course, I'm going to be late for an appointment, which is rare....although he has the uncanny ability to "oversleep" on the days he has a doctor's checkup!). What do you guys do when your child sleeps in, then is obviously too keyed up to settle down at naptime? It's tough putting them to bed when they're wired and smiling, running madly through the house with a book or toy in hand. Yet I know the consequences later that evening will make me wish that I had!

Just curious as to what other moms think....I've heard enough about what the experts say.


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